Sunday 31 August 2008

Imagine Visual Thinking

Beautiful graphics, dooodles, animation visually interpreting the spoken narrative language of John Lennon.

38 years ago, Jerry Levitan, who was then only 14 years, managed to interview John Lennon, during his stay in Montreal. Starting recordings of the interview, filmmaker Josh Raskin has created an animation that reproduces, word for word, visual language, the arguments of John Lennon.

'A small gem that reminds me of the thematic map in motion' by Philippe David Boukobza.

It has nice literal interpretation of johns dialgoue. Lovely layered effects with varying zoom perspectives.

I am curious about a graphic of we all have hitler inside and we all have christ inside when referring to violence.

Also love the graphic of sounds/music literally within inside countries and beautiful organic changing from each individual world shape.

I agree philippe, fantastic gem from josh raskin and co.

blogged here:

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